Well put. This has been our experience.

Naftali Shani, Nortel Networks, Dept. 0S45, MS 117/C1/M05
21 Richardson Side Road, Kanata, Ontario, Canada  K2K 2C1
Voice +1.613.765.2505 (ESN 395) Fax +1.613.763.8091 (ESN 393)
E-mail: nsh...@nortelnetworks.com <mailto:nsh...@nortelnetworks.com>  or
n...@ieee.org <mailto:n...@ieee.org> 

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Ed Nakauchi [SMTP:e...@garwoodtestlabs.com]
        Sent:   Friday, March 17, 2000 12:42 PM
        To:     emc-pstc
        Subject:        Fw: NRTL(Bell Atlantic) Pre-Approval

        To All:
        Posted for Jason Armstrong of Garwood Laboratories, Inc. by
        Ed Nakauchi
        e...@garwoodtestlabs.com <mailto:e...@garwoodtestlabs.com> 
        -----Original Message-----
        From: Jason < jas...@garwoodtestlabs.com
<mailto:jas...@garwoodtestlabs.com> >
        To: Ed Nakauchi < e...@garwoodtestlabs.com
<mailto:e...@garwoodtestlabs.com> >
        Date: Friday, March 17, 2000 9:21 AM
        Subject: NRTL(Bell Atlantic) Pre-Approval
        Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jason Armstrong. I am the
General Manager at Garwood Laboratories, in Placentia Ca. We are an
independent test lab that has been gearing up for NEBS testing for the past
several months. Between our two facilities we are able to perform the
EMC/Surge, safety & physical protection all under one company. I have had
many conversations with Chuck Graff at Bell Atlantic in regards to the
"alternate test facilites" statement in their latest checklist revision. The
word alternate refers more to in-house or the mfg's test facilities and not
to an independent test lab. They have that statement in there for equipment
that is either too large or not practical to be tested outside of the mfg's
plant due to it's deployment configuration.  If you read para 3.1.1 of Bells
checklist, you'll see that Bell Atlantic does not certify or "approve"
testing facilities. What DLS has obtained is a letter of recognition and not
an approval. I know it sounds like a play on words, but Chuck at Bell
Atlantic as well as the other RBOC's are very touchy about the wording. This
"recognition" is something that we are currently striving towards as well.
I'm not sure how DLS went about obtaining this, but I have been informed by
Bell South, Bell Atlantic & US West that if we provide a sample of a NEBS
test report that meets with their acceptance, and we are accredited by a
recognized orginazation, like NAVLAP or A2LA, then we will also be
"recognized" by them to perform the NEBS requirements. 
        I hope this helps.
        Jason Armstrong
        General Manager
        Garwood Laboratories, Inc.
        jas...@garwoodtestlabs.com <mailto:jas...@garwoodtestlabs.com> 

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