Hi All,

I recently posted this month's article on my website www.dsmith.org.
It shows how to display measurement error of a current measurement
simulataneous to the measurement itself. This method catches almost
all of the possible ways error can work its way into the measurement.

The data I used for the measurement discussion also, as a by-product,
shows how a common measurement error in Electrical Fast Transient (IEC
61000-4-4) testing can nearly double the stress on I/O leads of the
EUT past what the test calls for at a given level. I have seen several
test labs make this mistake, after the fact, by examining photos of
the test setup in the test report. The error has to do with which end
of the capacitive clamp is connected to the EFT generator. It makes a
big difference!


    ___          _           Doug Smith
     \          / )          P.O. Box 1457
      =========              Los Gatos, CA 95031-1457
   _ / \     / \ _           TEL/FAX: 408-356-4186/358-3799
 /  /\  \ ] /  /\  \         Mobile:  408-858-4528
|  q-----( )  |  o  |        Email:   d...@dsmith.org
 \ _ /    ]    \ _ /         Website: http://www.dsmith.org

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