I ran into this uppercase "K" problem many years ago when I kept trying to
write "KHz" in documents and the word processing group kept sending the
finished text to me using "kHz". I finally got the WP manager to show me
their style manual, which referenced back to, IIRC, Mil-Std-800 (a standard
on government documents). Sure enough, the US Gov said the right way to do
it was to use "kHz". The WP manager said something about confusing people
who might think I was trying to say "degrees Kelvinhertz".  (Honest!)

But I kept wondering if maybe the Mil Standard had a typo (from what I had
seen of Mil Standards, typos were not unusual). Maybe nobody had ever
noticed that before! Gee, if I were able to get that fixed, I could make a
little change for the better in this world. And then everybody in the world
could properly use the more rational "KHz".

So let's revisit my view of how everything really should be.

First, 10^^3 should certainly remain kilo, but should use an uppercase K,
since the unit is on the positive exponential side of zero. So, we have KHz.
This is non-negotiable. The unfortunates who have been using kilometer
instead of Kilometer will be grandfathered with a special dispensation for
its continued use, but these folks will eventually die off, leaving everyone
else in harmonious agreement.

Next, we should fix that vexing 10^^-3 notation. Yes, the milli, which is
forever getting confused with the micro. The only sensible thing to do is to
drop the milli in favor of a -3 unit which is harmonized with the +3 unit. I
think we should call this -3 unit the killi. And since it is on the negative
exponential side of zero, it should always be lowercase. Thus, the
killifarad, 1*10^^-3 Farads. Or the killihertz, or the killimeter.

Well, it makes sense to me.



Ed Price
Electromagnetic Compatibility Lab
Cubic Defense Systems
San Diego, CA.  USA
858-505-2780 (Voice)
858-505-1583 (Fax)
Military & Avionics EMC Services Is Our Specialty
Shake-Bake-Shock - Metrology - Reliability Analysis

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