Hello all,

thank you for your answers re my question of EMI receiver amplitude
overhead for QP measurements.

John Woodgate is correct! There is a lot more to this issue, but at the
moment I'm looking only for this picture with the curves for the
amplitude overhead (if it is only one picture...)

Explanation: I am not building a receiver, I need this diagram for a
book I am currently writing about RF spectrum analysis (almost
finished). In a German magazine there was a rather sketchy diagram of
this and I would like to corroborate the info in this drawing. So I
don't need all the rest about QP measuring, time constants, pulse
repetition frequencies, power bandwidths and so on...

Maybe this is easier to answer (ask a dumb question - and see what you

Greetings to the list.

Jochen Feldhaar DH6FAZ

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