It depends on the particular device. You can get the full details at this
website : This is the site for the French Frequency
Agency. You'll have to click on the NEWS button to see the new rules
regarding 2.4 Ghz. In a nutshell, there are still power limitations for the
full band, and will be until 2004. Power limitations also exist for outdoor
use, even after 2004. Bluetooth falls under the category non-specific SRD, I

I think the reason for the truncated 2.4 Ghz band in France is that it
conflicts with military useage. Agreement has been made to move the military
applications to another band, thereby opening the 2.4 band up entirely, but
this, as one might imagine, will take some time.

Along the same lines, I have heard that Singapore has also opened the full
2.4 GHz band to SRD's, but I have been unable to confirm this. Does anyone
have information on Singapore?

Doug Massey
Lead Regulatory Engineer
LXE, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Sandy Mazzola []
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2001 2:03 PM
Subject: European Harmonization of the 2.4 Ghz Band

To all,

              I have a question regarding the harmonization of the 2.4 Ghz
to 2.4835 Ghz band for usage in Europe.  My understanding was that France
still allows only a truncated band  (2.4465 Ghz-2.4835 Ghz) usage.
          Will those more learned then me in this area answer if this is
still true, will it change any time soon and does this have any power
stipulation on it.     In other words is it also not harmonized for
Bluetooth usage which would be a relatively low power transmitted of  either
1 milliwatt or 10 milliwatts.
  Again Thank You in advance for your responses and have a great day.

Sandy Mazzola 

Santo Mazzola
Regulatory Engineer
Symbol Technologies Inc
1 Symbol Plaza
Holtsville, N. Y. 11742-1300
Phone:  (631) 738-5373
Fax:  (631) 738-3318

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