
Here is a little something that I put together previously to give to some of our
folks when they asked the same question.
I found it has saved a lot of time in having to present it every time I'm asked
the question.

(See attached file: Why NRTL Required - Generic.doc)


(The usual disclaimer as related to my opinions and my employer.)

"Patricia Knudsen (EWU)" <> on
09/14/2001 11:37:56 AM

Please respond to "Patricia Knudsen (EWU)"

cc:    (bcc: Oscar Overton/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  CFR requirements for the workplace

Does anyone know the specific section of the CFR that refers to equipment at the
workplace (specifically computer or test equipment) being Listed by a NRTL?

Patty Knudsen
Sr. Regulatory Engineer
Ericsson Wireless Communications
(858) 332-5014

Attachment: Why NRTL Required - Generic.doc
Description: Mac Word 3.0

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