"John Woodgate" wrote:
> David Gelfand wrote:
> >
> > What other countries besides CE have immunity requirements
> > similar to EN 55024 or EN 50082?

If you don't mind talking private standards, then Bellcore
here in the states for certain types of central office equip
certainly require it through contract but not by law.

> Consider that you can gain a marketing advantage by stressing the
> immunity characteristics of your product, even if there are no legal
> requirements.

Been there.  Not necessarily so.  Primary is that if there's
no legal or contractual requirement, the customer probably
doesn't know what you're talking about or doesn't care.

Unneeded testing drives up the baseline production cost per
product.  In some instances, this may give one a distinct marketing
disadvantage.  Besides, if the testing isn't necessary, I doubt the
residents of mahogany row would approve it.

- Doug McKean

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