George, David L <george.da...@unisys.com> inimitably wrote:
>What is "Dithering"?
>The dictionary defines dithering as agitating or in a state of indecision.
>Dithering is a method for distributing energy across a wider spectrum.
>Another and more accurate term for dithering is spread spectrum.  In a
>spread spectrum application the clock frequency or carrier is not fixed.  It
>varies according to a pseudorandom sequence.  Various modulation schemes are
>There are many uses for this technology.  One application is the intentional
>radiation for communication purposes.  It was first used in the military for
>highly confidential applications.  Thanks to the development of inexpensive,
>reliable semiconductors, this technology has spread to commercial
>applications such as cordless telephones, burglar alarms and wireless
>networks (WLL and WLANS).  The second use of this technology is in digital
>equipment as a clock.  In this application, the radiation is unintentional
>and of much lower in intensity.

David, you may be completely right, and initially even the
Radiocommunications Agency in UK thought you were, which is why nothing
much happened for a long while after my initial proposal for a study in
1998. But subsequently, evidence of a potential problem emerged. This
has to be investigated, and it may not prove to be a real problem. Until
we know, it's best to co-operate with the CISPR study, rather than
asserting that no problem exists.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. Phone +44 (0)1268 747839
Fax +44 (0)1268 777124. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Why not call a vertically-
applied manulo-pedally-operated quasi-planar chernozem-penetrating and 
excavating implement a SPADE?

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