<sb29ebc9....@symbol.com>, Sandy Mazzola <mazzo...@symbol.com>
inimitably wrote:
>My question pertains to EN 55024:1998,  Information Technology Equipment-
>Immunity Characteristics,  flowing down to EN 61000-4-3 :1997,  Radiated 
>       I am looking for the status of a frequency extension to EN 6100-4-3 
>radiated Immunity.  EN 61000-4-3:1997 lists 80 MHz to 1 GHz as the test 
>frequency range.
>        Is anyone aware of the Radiated Immunity requirements being extended 
> to 
>3 Ghz or  higher sometime in the near future.   

Nothing proposed yet, AFAIK. It would require a New Work Proposal to IEC
SC77B, I think, to amend IEC/EN61000-4-3, and we have not seen one.

>If there are any drafts 
>proposing this can you list the draft number.
>     Finally, if no present plans exist could anyone venture a prediction for 
>when and if the radiated Immunity frequency will be extended.

Well, now you've drawn attention to the subject....(;-)
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. Phone +44 (0)1268 747839
Fax +44 (0)1268 777124. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk Why not call a vertically-
applied manulo-pedally-operated quasi-planar chernozem-penetrating and 
excavating implement a SPADE?

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