Always got a kick out of that "over and out" stuff.

Over - I am finished transmitting and expect a reply

Out - I am finished transmitting and do not expect a reply

Well, which is it that you mean?  I remember getting beat about the head and
shoulders over this one in Army ROTC (more years ago than I want to admit).

Ghery Pettit, N6TPT

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 11:18 AM
Subject: RE: Typing Shortcuts

A couple of others I have encountered.
Not in alphabetical order but more in context order.
AFAIK, probably too many to really be beneficial.

TLA - three letter acronym
IAW - in accordance with
IMCO - in my considered opinion
IMNSHO - in my not so humble opinion
FTHP - faster than humanly possible (a little faster than ASAP, usually when
marketing wants it)
FYI - for your information
JTLYK - just to let you know
RTSM - read the stupid manual
AFAIK - as far as I know
OTTOMH - off the top of my head
CMIIW - correct me if I'm wrong
IOW - in other words
FWIW - for what it's worth
HTH - hope this helps
AAMOF - as a matter of fact
AKA - also known as
BTDT -  been there, done that
DGT -  don't go there
YBS - you´ll be sorry
IRL -  in "real" life
GMTA - great minds think alike
WFM - works for me
SITD - still in the dark
HHIS- hanging head in shame
ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing
FOCL - fell off chair laughing
CNP...  - continued in next post
NRN - no reply necessary
OO - over and out (carryover from the two-way radio days) (also my initials)

 There are also many sites that include the "emoticons" used to display
 in connection with a written comment.
e.g.      : - )  for a smile
     : - 0  for suprise
     : - (  for a frown
and many others.  Just type "emoticon" into your web searcher and you'll
plenty of sites.

Oscar Overton on 06/13/2001 12:36:26 PM

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cc:    (bcc: Oscar Overton/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  RE: Typing Shortcuts

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