The Product Safety standards for ITE are generally based on the "single fault"
rule.  That is, the device can withstand a single fault and still be safe.  If a
Class I
(earth grounded design) device loses its earth ground path, for whatever reason,
internal or external, this is a single fault, and the device is still safe.

A shock hazard can occur only through a second fault, e.g. a failure of the
"basic" insulation.  This is why it is a safe "practice" to employ Class II
double /
reinforced insulation for Class I designs, as the initial fault (loss of ground)
may be
due to the "house wiring" or other external factor.  Using Class II insulation
require a third fault, i.e. a failure of the supplemental insulation, for a
shock hazard
to occur.

Applying the principles above, there would be no need to provide parallel or
"secondary" grounding paths.

George Alspaugh

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