<200105091432.jaa16...@valencia.rsn.hp.com>, Richard A. Schumacher
<schum...@rsn.hp.com> inimitably wrote:
>> A New Work proposal is to be submitted to IEC CISPR/G, concerning any
>> changes to emission standard CISPR22/EN55022 that may need to be made to
>> deal with dithered clocks and similar. It is at an early stage at
>> present, but those concerned should keep a look out for it and decide
>> whether they need to participate in the work at national or
>> international level. 
>> Previously, work in UK had suggested that no change was necessary. Some
>> new effect of emissions from dithered clocks may have emerged.
>Could you elaborate?
No, that's all there is. If the New Work is voted positive, CISPR/G will
expect contributions to be submitted, describing the nature of the
disturbances and proposing limits and perhaps methods of measurement.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. Phone +44 (0)1268 747839
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applied manulo-pedally-operated quasi-planar chernozem-penetrating and 
excavating implement a SPADE?

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