The new Japan DENAN requirements are not completely clear,
and I know of no on-line source in English to clear up certain aspects.

For example, in the past, AC/DC adapters have required certification
and the application of the Dentori-T mark with cert. number.  However,
there was no mandatory Japan certification for most ITE end products,
e.g. the laser and inkjet printers we market.

The attached MS Word file refers to "specified products" (SP) and
"non-specified products" (NSP), and lists 19 product "categories".
However, it does not reveal if ITE might be included in categories 17
(electronic appliances) or 18 (other electronic apparatuses), or even
incuded at all as an SP or NSP product requiring certification.


(See attached file: Japan DENAN Scheme.doc)

Attachment: Japan DENAN Scheme.doc
Description: Mac Word 3.0

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