I need some opinions on shipping radio devices to Mexico.  Information is
very difficult to get from the SCT directly and our distributors play down
the need for type approval, so I am having difficulties in getting a
straight answer to the legal way to ship product.

My understanding is:
- Type approval only issued to company in Mexico.  
- Type approved equipment can only be sold in Mexico by the type approval

Here is the scenario I am faced with:

Company A has a radio type approved in Mexico by the SCT.  We intend to OEM
and integrate these radios into our products.  Company A also mfg's products
similar to ours and is our competitor on this level.  This radio is type
approved by with the SCT by Company A's distributor.  

Assuming my understanding above is correct, does that mean we have to ship
our terminals with the integrated radios to Company A's distributor, who is
our direct competitor?

Any help is appreciated.  Safety and EMI is understood so please limit
responses to radios only.  

Thanks Much,

Sam Wismer
Lead Regulatory Engineer/
Radio Approvals Engineer
LXE, Inc.
(770) 447-4224 Ext. 3654

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