
I have a curve ball to throw to the group.  Our mechanical engineering
groups is looking for software that we can use to simulate the acoustic
performance of a design prior to fabrication.  We're very comfortable
performing thermal and airflow simulations, but are interested in also
pulling acoustic simulation into things if possible, since we're running
into tighter and tighter acoustic performance specs in denser and denser
packages.  Compliance to GR-63 and other specs is becoming all too

If you're aware of any resources we can consider for pre-fabrication
simulation, please answer to the list or e-mail me separately.  If you
would prefer your response to be kept private, please indicate in your
message, otherwise, I may include it in a summary of reponses to the list
or pass it on to others with similar interests.


Michael Garretson
Sr. Compliance Engineer
RadiSys Corporation
+1 503 615-1227

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