
Your concern is quite legitimate. A PC is a device that can be easily
brought into a residential home environment by anyone. Based on that, I
would think it should have been tested to Class B limits. 

Dan Kwok wrote:
> We are purchasing a PC loaded with custom option cards from a supplier that
> obtains the PC from a third party. The end unit as sold to us and resold by
> us is not intended for home use. However, the base PC initially sold by the
> third party is sized and priced such that it could potentially be used in
> the home. The computer does not display the FCC mark, but is marked
> according to Class A requirements.
> I am concerned that the computer may not be in compliance with FCC marking
> requirements. What are the current rules that would apply in this case?
> Richard Woods

Daniel Kwok, P.Eng.
Principal EMC Engineer                                     
Intetron Consulting, Inc.                      
Vancouver, Canada
Phone (604) 432-9874

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