Guess the power companies will be the next target since the jury still seems
to be out on impacts of low frequency E-H fields.  We already know the
pollution generated by companies (which also fuel the economy) is bad.  Can
I sue?  I can't get away from it unless I buy bottled air...a niche market
of the future no doubt.
Does the plaintiff just want a free headset?  The article discusses the use
of headsets with the implication of their use as a method of reduction of
exposure.  Weren't there studies conducted indicating that some headsets on
some phones increased the radiation levels?  Besides, even if supplied, how
do you prove the headset was/was not used?  There's always testimonials I
Hot dogs.  What do they feed the critters that end up on every child's plate
in the form of a weenie?  Are the critter feeds sprayed with pesticides and
herbicides?  Do the critter-feed pesticides/herbicides bear the warning of
"might be harmful if consumed"?  
I wonder how far David will get against goliath?  The legal folks are sure
to benefit and we'll all see yet another  definition of dangerous.
My opinion only and not that of my employer.
Kaz Gawrzyjal

 -----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 11:01 AM
Subject: RE: Cell Phone Suit Will Get Its Day in Court

The difference is that everyone knows that a car can be dangerous. IF cell
phones are proven hazardous, most people  would not be aware or understand
the risk. Im not saying that these aligations are valid, but it does make
sense to keep informed.
Rick Busche

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Gill []
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 8:33 AM
To:; 'PSTC - articles 1'
Subject: RE: Cell Phone Suit Will Get Its Day in Court

Funny thing - automobile manufacturers are making and selling cars with the
knowledge that they may be dangerous! 

         -----Original Message----- 
From:   Tarver, Peter [SC1:9031:EXCH]  
Sent:   Wednesday, January 24, 2001 10:32 AM 
To:     PSTC - articles 1 
Subject:        Cell Phone Suit Will Get Its Day in Court 

        From the Telecom Digest 

        Monty Solomon wrote: 
> Cell Phone Suit Will Get Its Day in Court 
> NEW ORLEANS, La. - In ruling that could shake the cell phone industry, a
federal judge let stand a lawsuit that says companies are making and selling
cell phones with the knowledge that they may be dangerous.

> -- 
> The Telecom Digest is currently mostly robomoderated. Please mail 
> messages to 

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