Mike, in C63.4, the project number is 1-13.2. The contact is Michael


>From the latest C63 Newsletter:

"The key issues being addressed in this project include ground plane
influences, site reflections and practical frequency limits to the
traditional method for normalized site attenuation (NSA) under 1000 MHz.
There are five labs making various reflective ambient measurements
(including placing absorber material on the ground plane between the
transmitter and receive antennas)."


Mike Cantwell <michael.cantw...@flextronics.com> on 01/03/2001 02:06:20 PM

Please respond to Mike Cantwell <michael.cantw...@flextronics.com>

To:   "'emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org'" <emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org>
cc:    (bcc: Robert E. Heller/US-Corporate/3M/US)
Subject:  NSA above 1 GHz

Does anyone know of any Normalized Site Attenuation measurements above 1
GHz? I'm specifically interested in whether or not ANSI C63.4 or CISPR-22
planning this, and if so, is there any preliminary info?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Mike Cantwell

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