Hi Pierre,

How is the skiing this year?

Regarding your question, you need to look at the system standard, 60601-1-1,
for interconnecting components of a medical electrical system.  Generally, a
computer does not meet the enclosure leakage requirements and thus requires
some kind of an isolation device between the computer and the medical
device.  This could be an optical coupled RS 232 port as you described.
This maybe the best way to achieve electrical safety.  There are other ways
such as the use of the EQUAL POTENTIAL GROUND wire.   This is a quick answer
but you need to study 60601-1-1 to determine the correct method of
protection and also labeling requirements.  Best of luck and Happy New Year.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
[mailto:owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org]On Behalf Of Pierre SELVA
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 4:25 PM
To: Forum Safety-emc
Subject: IEC 601-1 : Insulation between applied part and signal input

Hello from the Franch Alps,

I need your help to determinate which insulation is required between an
applied part (lin to the OV of the product thru a capacitor) and one signal
input in a medical product, against IEC 601-1 requirements.
The signal input is connected to the parallel port of a computer.
I understand that the insulation has to be a supplementary one.
Does this mean that I need to have a galvanic insulation (with optocoupleur,
for example) or can I use another system ?

Thanks a lot for your contribution.

Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année et meilleurs voeux pour 2002 (happy new year and
best whishes !)
Pierre SELVA
18 Rue Marceau Leyssieux
Phone : 33 (0)6 76 63 02 58
Fax :     33 (0)6 61 37 87 48
e-mail : e.l...@wanadoo.fr <mailto:e.l...@wanadoo.fr>
            ps.el...@laposte.net <mailto:ps.el...@laposte.net>

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