This phenomena with simulators was documented back in the mid 80's. If you
simply charge a up a capacitor in mid air or inside a plastic housing (ESD
Simulator) the cap will immediately begin to bleed off in an attempt to
equalize itself with the rest of the world. The higher the voltage, the more
noticeable this effect and if you connect a long pointed tip the capacitor
(via a resistor or not) this enhances the bleeding and makes it happen
quicker. On a humid day, you can actually see the corona around a point tip
connected to a simulator charged to > 20kV (if you dim the lights). 

Also, as you approach an object that's at a different potential -- let's say
a metal chassis -- prior to an actual discharge, electrons begin to stream
from the tip of the simulator to the metal chassis, reducing the actual
charge voltage at the tip in the process. Again, much more pronounced at
voltages >20kV than at lower voltages. This "pre-discharge" discharge is
clearly visible in low light as a reddish glow.

Many simulators now have circuits which basically monitor the cap voltage
through a comparator and supply a trickle charge to the cap to keep the
voltage up to where it was set. If you don't do this, the actual test
voltage becomes a factor of the time between t=0 (when the cap was charged)
and some later time when the tip gets close enough to the victim equipment
to cause a discharge.

Some years ago, there were some papers done both at the Zurich EMC Symposium
and the IEEE EMC Symposium that talked about this, but I'd guess it was mid
to late 80's and I no longer have these records.

Hope this helps.....

Best Regards,

Mike Hopkins
Thermo KeyTek

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 10:32 AM
Subject: ESD Simulator Evaluation

An engineer was evaluating ESD simulators and observed an interesting

> The air discharge tip was placed at a fixed distance of about 1 inch from
> a ground reference plane with the simulator set for 30 kV and a healthy
> spark was launched by all of the simulators.  
> HOWEVER, when he started from some distance and rapidly approached the
> grp, one of the simulators appeared to have lost 2/3 of the charge.  The
> other 3 did not.  He base the conclusion on the fact that the spark
> launched from about 1 inch for 3 simulators, but launched from about 1/3
> inch from one unit when using the "rapid approach" air discharge method.
> Any suggestions on what is happening here?
> Evaluation of simulators is specified using a target with the tip
> contacting the target.  We 
> did not see a parameter in the standard that allows one to evaluate the
> ability of a simulator tip to hold a charge.  Did we miss something?
Richard Woods
Sensormatic Electronics
Tyco International

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