what is the Stirling cycle?
short tongue in cheek reply: a well kept secret!

in truth it is an external combustion engine which uses the thermal expansion 
and contraction of gas to produce motion.

typically the system is sealed,
there is a 'hot' end and a 'cold' end,
The energy input in the form of the temperature differential can be extracted 
as work from a piston and crank. 
Alternatively put work into the shaft and you can maintain a temperature 

try searching the web for Stirling cycle

the amount of information available has increased significantly in the past 
year or so

there is hope :-)

I believe people under estimate the incoming energy that penetrates the cloud 
cover. I don't have figures but I think long wave infrared reaches the ground 
through clouds. It can be focused by solar collectors.

The oil/gas/electricity utilities and their PR departments would like us to 
believe we are helpless and dependant on their massive infrastructure.

I believe they make sure we have the limitations of photovoltaic cells and 
rechargeable batteries rammed down our throats to discourage independent 

Electrolysis, fuel cells, flywheels, solar collectors, stirling engines, wind 
and wave power, all are coming and will be usable on a small scale by 
individual households.
I plan to power/heat/cool my residence with solar energy and disconnect the 
utility lines in the foreseeable future.

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