Good points on the companies looking for a quick solution to a long term
problem.  I would not buy stock in companies that solve EMC mysteries like
This brings to mind employment in the EMC community in my area.... I have
been doing referrals and resumes as a courtesy for a few years now in the
Chicago area.  In fact our website has an area there specifically for
Engineers looking for a job.
As an Electrical Engineer myself, I always try to help our community, and
actually have placed six or so people in the last year.  Not for profit,
just to help out fellow engineers.
If an Engineer is out of work, I will open my company books to him or her
(none yet) to help the situation out.  If they are just looking, but still
employed, then the resume is kept on file waiting anyone that is looking for
an engineer.
In the Chicago land area, the business climate is tough.  The Governor
stated this evening this is the worst time for the Illinois area in the past
48 years.  My comments to engineers now is if you have a job - keep it!
While I have been called by a many recruiters, most are not a great help.
Networking seems to work best.
Take care, maybe see you in Minneapolis.
Frank Krozel (part of the silent EMC Community...)
Voice: 630-924-1600
Fax: 630-924-1668
Cell: 630-890-5421 24/7 hours
Home: 630-653-9090
Electronic Instrument Associates-Central, Inc.
Serving the Midwest since 1971 with Electrical Engineers

----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug McKean" <>
To: "EMC-PSTC Discussion Group" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2002 6:45 PM
Subject: Some slightly disturbing interview news ...

> Times are tough all round but there's no need to
> make things tougher.  Here in Silly Valley, things
> are tough and I have made some attempts to
> find a few people jobs in my spare time. These
> are people I know personally.  I'm sure I'm
> not alone in this venture.  I'm sure most if not
> everyone on this list would also help.
> One headhunter who called me wanted to know if
> I was just plain nuts or just some sort of a good guy
> handing a job offer off to someone I knew who was
> looking. I told him it was none of his business <smirk>,
> just make sure to give so-and-so a call. Which they do.
> Unfortunately, what I have personally experienced
> in the past (rarely), and what appears to be happening
> at least with a few of companies currently is the following ...
> EMC job opening is posted. Resumes are sent.
> A few candidates are selected for interviews.
> Most of the interview centers on questions about
> how to solve some problems that are being
> experienced by said company. Then there's a
> decision not to hire anyone. Purchase req for
> new hires is closed. All candidates are rejected.
> A few months later, same company goes through
> the whole thing again.  Only this time, there's a
> different set of questions to problems all being
> experienced by said company. Both sets of questions
> involving "how-would-you-solve-this" type of problems.
> I'm sure most of you know where I'm going with this.
> At the end of the day, the company or whoever in the
> company, has their solution or solutions.
> I'm not crying about this.  My questions are ...
> Comes with the turf?
> Are you surprised to hear such a thing?
> Not surprised?
> Has is happened to you?
> Heard that it does happen but rarely and with
> some other company somewhere else?
> Happens all the time?
> Never happens?
> You gotta be kidden?
> So that's what that was all about!  Thanks.
> Yea, but whaddaya gonna do about it?
> Well, if it does happen, so much the
> better I don't work there ...
> Etc ...
> Regards, Doug McKean
> -------------------------------------------
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