
The poor man's answer is as follows:

1. Garage or car parts emporium (battery top up water)
2. Hardware/building supplies shop
3. Tricky. Not widely available, but often used in disc drive head cleaners.
4. Tobacconist (it's basically lighter fluid).

If you order from a chemical supplier, you will need to know that Meths is a mixture of Methanol and Ethanol (20%/80% IIRC, but don't quote me on that) with trace additions of a colour and taste to make it undrinkable. See for details.

IPA is these days formally known as 'Propan-2-ol' or 'Isopopanol'. Since Methanol is generally a pretty aggressive solvent (at least as far as inks and adhesives are concerned), I'd be surprised to find many common marking systems which will survive meths but are dissolved in IPA.

A rich man, or one looking to cultivate relations with his accreditation body, would probably contact one of the major chemical lab supplies companies (e.g. Merck), who I am sure will be delighted to provide any and all of the above to any level of purity you require, for a handsome fee!



At 9:07 +0100 13/8/02, Brian McAuliffe wrote:
can anybody recommend a one-stop source for the solutions (in small volumes)
called out in 60950,61010,60601 and 60335 for the durability of required
markings tests i.e.

1. Distilled water
2. Methylated spirit
3. Isopropyl alcohol
4. Aliphatic Solvent Hexane, having a maximum aromatics content of 0.1% by
volume, a kauri-butanol value of 29, an initial boiling point of
approximatley 65 degC, a dry point of approximately 69 degC and a mass
perunit volume of approximately 0.7 kg/l.


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