Hi Gert:

>   I also tried the discharge between two fingers, and found the result to
>   be unpleasant at least.
>   Time to change standards.......

Now we must ask the question:

    Is the purpose of the standard to prevent 
    injury or to prevent an unpleasant experience?

I presume that you would want to adjust the various
values of current (in our standards) so that either
there is no sensation, or the sensations of the
various conditions are the same.

If you try the same test with 3.5 mA leakage 
current, I believe you will also find the result
to be unpleasant.

Here's another test:

    Using a 2-wire external power supply with a
    barrel-type output connector (such as the type
    power supply used with a laptop computer), rub 
    the metal barrel lightly on the inside of your 

I believe you will find this unpleasant.

Simply, we cannot eliminate the sensation of 
electric current -- from an ac voltage source --
through a capacitance.  Somewhere, someone will 
sense the current.  We *may* be able to eliminate
the sensation of electric current from a charged
capacitor by selecting small-value capacitors.

But, is that the purpose of our safety standards --
to eliminate sensation of electric current?  What 
should be the body response criterion used in
safety standards?

Best regards,

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