A few issues.

You haven't said if the quiet zone is the same 1.5 meter square.  Assuming
it is, I can't imagine using a horn, which is a constant aperture antenna
with gain increasing with increasing frequency.  You need a constant gain
antenna, a log periodic.

The antenna separation needs to be such that the quiet zone is in the far
field.  With a log periodic having significant depth, the three meter
separation used by 1000-4-3 seems reasonable.

If you are testing above 1 GHz, you need the hybrid absorber made up of
microwave cones backed by ferrite tiles.

My experience is you do need absorber on the floor between antenna and quiet

>From: scott....@jci.com
>To: emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
>Cc: craig.har...@jci.com, james.e.te...@jci.com
>Subject: RF Field Uniformity and Antenna location
>Date: Fri, Jan 18, 2002, 10:13 AM

> To All,
> We are working toward adding capability to perform Radiated Immunity Free
> Field Testing (Substitution Method), which is very similar to the IEC
> 61000-4-3 method.  The main differences are the following:
> 1.  We have a 15 position target area for uniformity instead of 16
> 2.  Uniformity for 14 of the points is defined as being within +6/-0 dB
> with respect to the center position on the bottom row.  (position 3 in the
> diagram below)
> *******************************************
> 11   12   13   14   15
> 6    7    8    9    10
> 1    2    3    4    5
> *******************************************
> - position 3 must be higher in field strength than all 14 remaining points.
> My Questions:
> 1.  Does anyone have experience with the physical placement of the
> transmitting antenna and its relative positioning to the target area?  I'm
> looking for things like height between antenna/floor, distance between
> antenna/target, and antenna angle with respect to horizontal, etc.
> 2.  Is there a need for absorbing material to be placed on the floor
> between the target and the antenna?  If so, what areas, and how much is
> typically needed?
> 3.  From experience, in general, how achievable is uniformity at low
> frequency (200MHz - 1GHz) vs. high frequency (1GHz - 4GHz).  What hurdles,
> or obstacles are typical/need to be overcome?
> 4.  Our experience has been that position 3, is generally lower in field
> strength when compared to other points in the grid.  Is this normal?  We
> have tried adjusting the antenna in several different
> positions/orientations etc.  with not much success.
> Givens:
> 1.  We are using a Double Ridged Wave Guide for 200MHz - 1GHz, and a high
> gain Horn antenna for 1GHz - 4GHz.
> 2.  We are performing testing in a semi-anechoic chamber.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Regards,
> Scott Mee
> EMC Engineer
> Johnson Controls Inc.
> PH:  616.394.2565
> EMAIL:  scott....@jci.com
> -------------------------------------------
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