Alexandru & Friends

Been there, done that (many times!):

- No exemptions in Directive, or none found in any national legislation.

EMC Directive: 
- No Exemption in Directive, but most EU countries (Not Holland and a couple
of others) have implemented exemptions in national legislation under Article
226 (was 221) of the Treaty of Rome). 

In UK this exemption is not automatic, but is stated to be at the iscretion
of tne Secretary of State for Defence. Nevertheless we do not have any
trouble with our UK MoD Customers when we just claim exemption on the basis
that we will meet the equivalent DEF 59-41 EMC standards. Other countries
may or may not accept the same approach

Machinery Directive: 
- Article 1 paragraph 3 includes the following exemption "- machines
specially designed and constructed for military or police purposes". All
national legislation is assumed to include the same exemption.

(Note: R&TTE Directive has a similar, but differently worded, exemption in
Article 1, paragraph 5)

However, watch out for: 
a) Equipment which is not exclusively for military use, which is then termed
to be "dual use" - in which case it must meet the requirements for
commercial sales, regards of whether it is sold to the commercial or
military markets. 

This means that your commercial equipment must meet the CE requirements.

b) Military customers who want the CE Marking regardless of the letter of
the law.


John Allen
Thales Communications Ltd

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexandru Guidea []
Sent: 04 March 2002 21:13
To: ''
Subject: CE marking of equipment for military facilities

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