Dear Group,
As you will all know, under the EMC Directive a range of product variants
can be covered by a Technical Construction File.

A company who manufactures control panels for large industrial plant has to
re-submit every control panel it makes the a Competent Body because it was
impossible for them to build a super panel with every conceivable component

I have 3 questions:
1/  Is there any other way they can have their range cover by a TCF without
having to re-submit to the Competent Body?
2/  Under the LVD, do these panels have to be type tested to EN60439 by a
Certified Body?
3/ Is there anyway they can have their panel range reviewed to EN60439 and
be sure that their Safety Technical File will cover future variants, without
having to return to the Certified Body for each new Panel.

The industry they work in is very competitive, so they cannot raise their
prices too much.  Therefore each visit to the Competent Body and the
Certified Body is eating into their meagre profits.

Are there any significantly knowledgeable people who could bring this
company some good news?

Best regards,
David Sproul,
Alexander Lynn Approvals Management,
Tel/fax +44 (0) 1383 852222
Mobile +44 (0) 7950 744466

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