On Fri, 21 Jun 2002 12:33:04 -0500,
  Ken Javor <ken.ja...@emccompliance.com> wrote:

> I would agree with the discussion below from a practical standpoint, but the
> original question referred to SI (International System) units so the answer
> is and must be cubic meters.  SI is based on MKSA -
> meter-kilogram-second-Amperes and the only multipliers dividers allowed are
> every three orders of magnitude.  Millimeters are blessed, centimeters are
> heresy.  Therefore liters are proscribed.  A liter is 1000 cubic
> centimeters.

AFAIK, "The International System of Units" published from BIPM
permits multipliers such as "d", "c", etc., too.
The document also contains list of non-SI conventional units
which can be used, and liter (1 l = 1 L = 1 dm^3 = 10^-6 m^3)
is included in the list.

So, I think:

 - SI units for volume are m^3, cm^3, mm^3, etc.

 - liter (l or L) is not a SI unit, but not prohibitted
   in the SI system still now


Tomonori Sato  <vef00...@nifty.ne.jp>
URL: http://member.nifty.ne.jp/tsato/

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