
Thanks for the ideas. But as the LVD specifically precludes medical stuff, how
can I declare conformity? Has any NCB issued a "formal recomendation" for this
particular combination?

Would my customer (manufacturer of the end-use medical device) have any
trouble in Europe when the D of C for the unit's power supply is lists the LVD?

thanks much, 

<3E5C9943.14190.33FECD@localhost>) about 'D of C for medical P.S.' on 
Wed, 26 Feb 2003: 
>You are right not issuing a D of C to the MDD, as your product is not a
>device or an 
>accessory ot a medical device. 
>On the other hand I see no reason not to issue a D of C to the LVD.
>with a standard in 
>the list of Harmonised Standards is not the only way to demonstrate
>with the LVD. It 
>does not take very much effort to draw up a comparison table showing that the 
>requirements for a 
>power supply in IEC 60601-1 are more stringent than say, IEC 60950 or IEC 
>61010-1. Using 
>engineering judgment on this basis, I believe that you can issue a D of C to
>LVD, specifying 
>IEC 60601-1 as the applied standard. You can present your comparison table to 
>anyone who questions 
>this, demonstrating the engineering basis for your declaration. 

That's what I would recommend, but I don't know enough about 60601-1 to 
be definite. 
Regards, John Woodgate 

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