Any update on the data transfer from   <http://ieeepstc.mindcruiser.com/>
http://ieeepstc.mindcruiser.com/ to   <
https://www.ieeecommunities.org/emc-pstc...  or a tentative date?
For your information... the Yahoo group 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/emc-pstc/ can be easily configured to operate
both as a listserver-based service and a web-based service.  As a web-based
service,  <https://www.ieeecommunities.org/emc-pstc>
https://www.ieeecommunities.org/emc-pstc does offer some advantages over Yahoo
Groups (as referenced below)...  but as a listserver-based service, it's
advantage over majordomo is that it allows the member to control the delivery
of messages (ie, individual emails, daily digest or no email) and messages can
be viewed online http://groups.yahoo.com/group/emc-pstc/messages. 
I would recommend that you consider a migration to Yahoo Groups, once the data
transfer to  <https://www.ieeecommunities.org/emc-pstc>
https://www.ieeecommunities.org/emc-pstc is complete.  Should the planned data
transfer be not possible, you may want to consider a full migration to Yahoo
Groups, as listserver/web-based solution.
Here in Ottawa, Canada... we have a group called RAFT - Regulatory Approvals
Forum for Technology, and have been using Yahoo Groups 
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RAFT-Global/ for the past 2 years.
I have joined  <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/emc-pstc/>
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/emc-pstc/ some time ago...  If you want to give
it some consideration, I can volunteer to make the additional configuration
changes.  Please let me know your thought, and the Group owner will need to
have me assigned as Moderator.
   <http://ca.geocities.com/guyboone/My_Page.html> Guy Boone, P. Eng
  Electrical Engineer, specializing in Safety Compliance,
 Power/Control Systems Design & Buildings Engineering
 Steering Committee Member  -  <http://www.raft-global.org/>
 35 Athena Way                  Tel: 613-823-7534
 Ottawa (Nepean), ON K2G 6S1   Cell: 613-850-6533 

From: owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
[mailto:owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org]On Behalf Of Jim Bacher
Sent: January 23, 2003 10:54 AM
To: 'Andre, Pierre-Marie'; emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
Subject: RE: EMC-PSTC Email Forum 
We have had a couple major glitches with the movement of data. We are working
on an alternate solution to the issue. As soon as we have worked out the
details we will let you know. 

From: owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
[mailto:owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org]On Behalf Of Andre, Pierre-Marie
Sent: January 23, 2003 4:24 AM
To: emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
Subject: EMC-PSTC Email Forum 

On the  <http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/emcs/pstc/index.html>
I can read :

"The EMC-PSTC archives will be moved to another site shortly. The new location
will be announced shortly. Make sure you check here often."

Is there any target date to make the new location available?
Many thanks for your answer 
This forum is really useful 
Pierre-Marie Andre
Senior Approval Engineer 

From: owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
[mailto:owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org]On Behalf Of Rich Nute
Sent: January 2, 2003 12:22 PM
To: Product Safety Technical Committee
Cc: Jim Bacher; mg.ca...@ieee.org
Subject: The listserver WILL continue.
Thank you for all the comments on the listserver-based service versus the
web-based service.
The IEEE listserver WILL continue.
I apologize for not being clear on this point.  We started with listserver
service. However, the 
listserver does not satisfy all of the needs of our subscribers. So, we
supplement the listserver 
with a web service.
Some of our supplemental needs:
1. Archive of listserver messages, with a search function.
2. A means for providing papers that cannot be sent via the listserver due to
size limitations.
3. A means for announcing local chapter activities without sending the notice
4. A means for selective messaging (to eliminate non-pertinent messages from
your inbox).
5. A means for providing papers of both general interest and
highly-specialized interest.
6. A means for reporting IEEE EMC Society and emerging Product Safety Society
7. A means for threaded discussions. 
The ideal scheme would include all of this in a single integrated scheme. As
explained in my previous message, for the moment we do not have this
Both the listserver service and the web-based service provide discussions. 
Therein lies the problem: Two discussion groups, with no connection between
The listserver discussions are readily transmitted over all forms of
The web-based discussions are largely impractical for slow (telephone)
We recognize this.
For the moment, we have two discussion services.  Your usage of each will
influence how we will resolve the two discussions into one. Or maybe,
separate, user-selectable discussions based on our broad topics of EMC,
safety, telecom, wireless, etc.
I welcome your comments and suggestions!
Best regards,

From: owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
[mailto:owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org]On Behalf Of Rich Nute
Sent: January 2, 2003 11:37 AM
To: jde...@nas.com
Cc: emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org; hhho...@yahoo.com; mg.ca...@ieee.org
Subject: Re: Death of the listserver
Hi Jim:
Thanks for your message.
> The EMC Laboratory that I work for (Acme Testing Company in Acme,
> Washington) has the quietest open-field Emissions Sites (OATS) within a 1000
> mile radius. We planned it that way. The village of Acme has a total
> population of under 100 people. My home in Glacier, WA (five miles from the
> Canadian border) has a population of 90. Cable and telephone companies do
> not run underground cable for 90 people. Cable or broadband Internet is a
> wetdream that will never happen here. It's 56k ... or nothing.
> I find this daily interchange of EMC-related topics to be very important in
> my work. I will miss it if the participation dwindles.
Our intent is to provide more and better service to our subscribers.
A few years ago, we surveyed our listserver subscribers. One big feedback item
was that many subscribers did not
want to get all of the messages, but only those that were in their line of
Two years ago, the IEEE engaged Mindcruiser to help them set up e-communities.
EMC-PSTC was invited to 
participate as we have nearly what the IEEE envisioned as an e-community.
Mindcruiser would support selective e-mail distribution of messages.  Jim and
I and the IEEE worked with Mindcruiser to set up an e-community web site. Jim
and I insisted that the Mindcruiser site support the listserver function. 
Mindcruiser developed a listserver support function that worked, but we had a
number of other problems 
with Mindcruiser as did the IEEE.
So, the IEEE discontinued their contract with Mindcruiser and changed to
Community Zero, who already had a 
functioning e-community web application. Community Zero met the IEEE needs,
but does not and will not support 
a listserver function. 
Your feedback is important to us. Clearly, the C-Zero web-based e-community
does not meet all of our subscriber
needs. At the moment, we are looking at two, separate schemes. One is
web-based. The other is listserver based. The web-based scheme can notify the
listserver subscribers of items posted on the web site. But, it does not work
the other way around.
We won't sacrifice our function to meet the IEEE needs. Whatever scheme the
IEEE arrives at, it will not drive
us to satisfy the scheme versus satisfying our subscribers.
Best wishes for the New Year!

From: owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
[ mailto:owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org]On Behalf Of Gordon,Ian
Sent: January 2, 2003 6:20 AM
To: 'Luke Turnbull'
Subject: RE: Changes to IEEE emc-pstc web-based services


I sympathise with people with dial up connections and would be sorry to see
the loss of these contributors. 

However, there is a Yahoo group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/emc-pstc/ that
was formed in 1998.  Is there any way that this could be used? 

Ian Gordon

From: Luke Turnbull [ mailto:luke.turnb...@trw.com]
Sent: 02 January 2003 09:22
Subject: Re: Changes to IEEE emc-pstc web-based services

This won't work.  If you want to look at how badly online forums work, look at
the IEE website.

Maybe one of the group can set up a list server elsewhere if the IEEE is sure
it wants to stop the service.

Luke Turnbull

From: owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
[mailto:owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org]On Behalf Of Rich Nute
Sent: December 31, 2002 1:20 PM
To: emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
Subject: Changes to IEEE emc-pstc web-based services

Effective today, we are replacing our web-based services.

    Old:   http://ieeepstc.mindcruiser.com/ 
    New:   https://www.ieeecommunities.org/emc-pstc 

The archive has been moved to the new web site, but is not yet up and running.
 We'll keep you posted as to when
we have it available.

This new site does not have listserver capability.  

However, it does send personal e-mail notices (daily, weekly, or monthly) when
a discussion item has been 
posted to the site.  The notice includes a link directly to that specific

Furthermore, you can select the discussions which are of interest to you (as
opposed to getting all discussion

When a message is posted to the site, the system will notify the poster as to
replies, and will notify all members
that the posting has been made. 

The web-based servic! e offers opportunity for posting of papers and similar
items.  The site already has a few
contributions, some of which were moved from the old site.  We'd like to see
an electronic version of the old 
"Product Safety Newsletter" that had so many good technical papers and news. 
We feel this e-community 
is a good step to the formation of the Product Safety Society.  (You'll find
news and listings of officers and
chapters on this site.)

Please check out the new web-based service.  We call it an "e-community."  At
the moment, if you want to 
participate in this e-community, please contact either of us Rich Nute or Jim
Bacher, or Marilyn Catis at IEEE, 
mg.ca...@ieee.org.  (One of us needs to subscribe you to the e-community.)  To
the extent that we can, we'd 
like to move our activity to the web rather than use the listserver.

If you h! ave difficulty connecting to the site, or if you have comm! ents,
please contact either of us, or Marilyn Catis.

Best wishes for the New Year!

Richard Nute
Jim Bacher
co-administrators, IEEE emc-pstc forums

Replies to this message may be posted in the following public forum:
Change in  <http://ieeepstc.mindcruiser.com/direct/topic/a/ID547374> emc-pstc
web-based services 

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