I must take issue with the assertion   "Compliance testing can only be done on
the final production model. "

A structured compliance plan should run alongside the design program - testing
can be concurrent with design with final verification on the "production
build" of the product becoming a mere validation of the testing that has been
completed previously.

To wait until the end will ensure that the Time-to-Market is maximized and
that profitability is reduced!!!!!

It is true that you can minimize you compliance TEST cost by doing everything
at the end - but compliance test cost do not reflect the 'whole-life' cost of
development NOR do they relate to revenue!

Bringing a product to market before your competition will maximize corporate
profitability - that is were compliance (and many other factors) can make a
significant contribution to corporate coffers.

Promo for the IEEE.......
For those attending the IEEE  EMC Symposium in Boston this year - I will be
presenting a workshop entitled "Preparing for the Economic Recovery" which
will explain how a well structured regulatory compliance program will be key
to maximizing profitability and market share at the end of this current

That is how we used to work at Digital and is how we currently support many of
our clients.
To quote the Test4Safety.Com Inc our belief statement:-

We believe that, whereas it is possible to teach compliance using generic
methodology, it is essential that Compliance Solutions must be specific to
company need - that way they reflect Corporate Values and become Cost
Effective Strategies.  
This means that there is no single strategy that works for all companies - and
this will explain why there will never be agreement on this point in this

Best regards


1779 Wells Branch Parkway
#110B-PMB 306
Austin, TX  78728
(512) 744-1861   (24/7)

9400 #B Grouse Meadow Lane,
Austin, Texas 78758-6347

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