I read in !emc-pstc that Ken Javor <ken.ja...@emccompliance.com> wrote
(in <bb2f7186.2be2%ken.ja...@emccompliance.com>) about 'cable
maximization - do you or don't you??' on Mon, 7 Jul 2003:

>I don't think it is at all complicated, at least in principle.  Maybe a
>devil will emerge out of some details I am missing...

It's a point worth discussing.
>I don't see how an end-driven wire can radiate more efficiently than a tuned
>half-wave dipole.  That model can be used to convert from field intensity at
>X meters to peak current on the cable.

Agreed that it can't be more efficient, but it can be less efficient to
a nearly unlimited extent, so making that assumption can be very
pessimistic indeed.
>For the case of multiple cables one could make various assumptions about the
>additive effect of emissions at X meters:
>A worst case assumption is that the same spectrum could appear on each cable
>and add in phase at the measurement point.  This would require subtracting
>from the previously determined single cable current limit the factor:
>20*log (number of cables).
>I think this is unreasonable, that the summing would be of random phase and
>the factor to be subtracted from the single cable current limit ought to be
>10*log (number of cables).

Agreed, as a first approximation.
>I am not trying to say that this approach is precisely correct and should be
>implemented as is.  I do think it would be interesting to make some cable
>measurements using an absorbing clamp  and compare to the corresponding OATS
>profile and draw some conclusions.

Yes, I think that is justified, now that you have raised the subject.
Unfortunately, many such proposals are never investigated because no-one
has the time, even if the costs can be handled.

I think we all look forward to your report of the first results. (;-)
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk 
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