John Harrington wrote:

>> I'm having some fun with an NSA measurement.  I get a swing of 8dB
30MHz and 45MHz horizontally polarized.  At 30 MHz I get too little
attenuation (i.e. I receive too much of the transmitted signal) and at
too much attenuation.  The rest of the frequency range is good within
and the Vertical polarization is good at all frequencies.

Are there any OATS Gurus out there who could shed some light on this or at
least suggest an illuminating text? <<

10 meters or 3?  At the low end, mutual coupling between dipoles affects
the measurement on 3 meter sites. See the cover article in the Spring 1992
issue of Compliance Engineering magazine, "Site Attenuation: The New Rules
for OATS" by Isidor Strauss. Corrections can be up to 4 dB.

Adding ferrites to coax at the antenna *will* help remedy imbalance if the
baluns are a problem, but read on; that's not the only thing this detects. 

If ferrites help, you may have another problem: I once got emissions down
on a computer by putting ferrites on coax at the antenna. The lab
(correctly) wouldn't accept that, but in the end, they moved OATS AC power
wires to a different conduit; RF present on the EUT power cable was being
coupled onto the coax that ran next to it.


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