Hello Peter,

I believe the plan is to make the official announcement of the NARTE
Product Safety Engineer Cert'n program at the IEEE EMC Symposium

Patience, Little Grasshoppre, Patience.........

I do agree that the earlier announcement may have been a bit premature
(and perhaps NARTE was overwhelmed by the response).

Best regards, Art Michael

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On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Peter L. Tarver wrote:

> I received what amounts to a courtesy response from NARTE
> this morning.  It only took four weeks and as many weekly
> pleas for a response, including boosting the importance of
> the last e-mail.
> My confidence in the value of NARTE's program is uninspired.
> Regards,
> Peter L. Tarver, PE
> Product Safety Manager
> Sanmina-SCI Homologation Services
> San Jose, CA
> peter.tar...@sanmina-sci.com
> > From: Peter L. Tarver
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 6:03 AM
> >
> > Out of curiosity, I wrote NARTE directly regarding the
> > below, to see what benefit they believe NARTE
> > certification
> > would offer someone who already has experience in product
> > safety and a PE Registration.  It's been a week and they
> > have not responded.  Perhaps that's their answer.
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Peter L. Tarver, PE
> > Product Safety Manager
> > Sanmina-SCI Homologation Services
> > San Jose, CA
> > peter.tar...@sanmina-sci.com
> >
> > > From: gr...@test4safety.com
> > > Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 2:48 PM
> > >
> > > It’s also worth noting that NARTE will begin the
> > Grandfathering
> > > phase for their Certified Product Safety
> > Engineer/Technician
> > > award: you can get more information by
> > registering on the
> > > 501(c)(iii)  (Charity) site of www.eGlobalEd.Org
> > >
> > > Best regards
> > >
> > > Gregg
> >
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