Intereseting, I think the ISO and in particular the lab guides indicate 
simply that if equipment doesn't need calibration it is marked as such. The 
other stuff obviously must have a cal sticker on it. There are all kinds of 
lab supplies lying around just to power products during test etc that don't 
require a calibrations so it seems unlikely that it would be prohibited. 
Just changed companies so I don't have access to my old documents just yet - 
so shooting from memory so double check.


>From: "Price, Ed" <>
>Reply-To: "Price, Ed" <>
>To: "''" <>
>Subject: Equipment Calibration
>Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 13:58:35 -0800
>In some ways, I have the luxury of having a Metrology Department that
>maintains the periodic calibration on all of my test equipment. OTOH, as a
>"customer" of this Metrology Department's "product", I would like to have
>some control over my overhead costs. And my latest bright idea has me
>getting stomped by the gurus of the status quo. I need to get smarter about
>how a calibration system works, and how flexible it can be.
>My lab has about 500 pieces of capital equipment, and the way I see it, all
>my equipment falls into one of two categories. The first category consists
>of those instruments which are used to measure the parameters of our
>company's products, and determine if the performance of those products 
>within a range of acceptable tolerance. Data from these measurements is
>often contractually reported to our customers. Every equipment within this
>category needs to be maintained on a program of periodic, traceable
>But then there's the second category; which consists of support and 
>equipment. Items here are old analog signal generators, function 
>amplifiers, pulse generators, sweepers and power supplies. To me, none of
>this equipment needs ANY periodic calibration. I base this on practical
>usage. Who can accurately read a power supply mechanical 80-amp ammeter 
>has a 1.5" long scale? Who can set a function generator frequency control
>that covers 2 decades, logarithmically, in 270 degrees of rotation? If I
>need to apply a 100 kHz signal in bursts of 2 milliseconds at a 1 Hz rate,
>I'll use a calibrated, traceable oscilloscope to set the uncalibrated
>generator to exactly what I need. The same for that power supply; if I need
>to know the current to 2% or better, I'll use a calibrated resistor and a
>calibrated DMM. And I couldn't care less about the gain of an RF power
>amplifier, as long as it pumps out enough power to create the field I need.
>Now, I'm not trying to justify the use of distorted, unstable or junky
>equipment. I'm just trying to spend my calibration dollars the most
>efficient way. And the way I see it, about 1/4 of my equipment fits my
>definition of not needing periodic calibration because I can monitor the
>results with calibrated equipment.
>So I proposed that these items be tagged with some kind of "uncalibrated" 
>"user verified" or "no calibration required" label. The gurus of Metrology
>say this can't be done, our ISO9000 Quality System will not allow this. I
>can't understand how a customer-oriented quality system can't be crafted to
>meet the needs of all of the customers of that system. And I suppose I'm
>felling a bit squeezed, what with my customers expecting me to use COTS
>equipment to function in military environments. I have to get more out of
>what I have, and the old military concept of everything in sight is on
>periodic calibration has to yield to current reality.
>So, am I getting shoveled upon regarding the impossibility of having a
>category of officially non-calibrated equipment alongside my calibrated
>equipment? How have you dealt with calibration program costs?
>Ed Price
>         WB6WSN
>NARTE Certified EMC Engineer & Technician
>Electromagnetic Compatibility Lab
>Cubic Defense Applications
>San Diego, CA  USA
>858-505-2780  (Voice)
>858-505-1583  (Fax)
>Military & Avionics EMC Is Our Specialty

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