Hello All,

I believe it was mentioned previously, but the link for the CTL
Decisions may have gone unoticed by some;

Both the CTL Decision Sheets and the OSM Decision Sheets are available
online at: <http://www.cbscheme.org/ct/decisions.htm>

At this same location, there is also a description of the CTL and its
operational procedures; they may help to clarify some of the questions
raised in this forum.

Regards, Art Michael

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On Thu, 18 Dec 2003 richhug...@aol.com wrote:

> John,
> Glad to see that you have started a new thread so that we may start afresh.
> In fact, in an earlier reply to Art Michael I did make a passing reference to
> OSM decisions relating to EN 60950.  However, this may have been too brief or
> obscure for you to notice.
> Although I have never worked in a test house and so cannot comment from
> personal experience, I understand that the Operational Staff Meeting (OSM)
of the
> CENELEC Certification Bodies (CCB) operates in a similar way to the CTL
> the IECEE as regards discussing testing matters.  Perhaps one of the people
> who are members of this group would care to confirm or correct this
> It does seem that there is no universal way of confirming OSM decisions with
> the relevant CENELEC Technical Committees, or CTL decisions with the relevant
> IEC Committees.  Up until recently, IEC/EN 60065 was developed by TC92 and
> IEC/EN 60950 was developed by TC74: now both standards are the
responsibility of
> TC108 and it is possible to see that slightly different procedures were in
> place to deal with these standards.  As it happens, representatives from test
> labs were active in both TC74 and TC74 and they continue to be active in
> and so for IEC/EN 60065 and IEC/EN 60950 there is a good linkage between the
> standards makers and the test and certification bodies.  This does seem to
> more from serendipity rather than an overall grand plan, however.
> I would hope and expect that the OSM has a way of communicating their
> documents to the CTL.  Not being a member of either organisation I could not
say if
> this a formal or informal arrangement.  Again, a reply from someone who works
> for a test lab and is aware of the procedures would be nice!
> Perhaps you could use your internal contacts within the ERA to check out the
> situation with other standards?
> Certainly, within TC76, dealing with IEC/EN 60825, there have been no CTL
> decisions discussed in the time that I have been attending IEC meetings.
> However, the only CB scheme for that standard series relates to IEC 60825-2
and that
> scheme is little used.
> Best regards and Merry Christmas,
> Richard Hughes

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