

The link provided in my email below doesn’t take you quite as far as I
thought it would.  There are a couple of extra keystrokes involved.


Once you go to the link in my email below, you need to click on "RTA (Telcomm


Then, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the text "Click to
download".  There are also some other surf options on this page, such as a
spot where you can actually email a lab accreditation question to the NATA.


Sorry for the previously incomplete instructions.




From: Chris Maxwell 
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 4:42 PM
To: 'EMC-PSTC Internet Forum'
Subject: Australian Compliance Stuff
Sensitivity: Confidential


Guys (and ladies)


There was an email earlier today about Australia updating its product safety
standard TS-001 to use a harmonized version of IEC 60950.


Having some products tested to TS-001, I have some interest in this subject. 
I also have an interest in knowing whether my existing test data is any good. 
So I did a little bit of digging.  I went to the ACA home page and did a
search on "RTA list".  (RTA is a Recognized Testing Authority)  The first
result of the search is a document that mentions an Australian NATA (National
Association of Testing Authorities) website.


Check out the following link at Australia's NATA (National Association of
Testing Authorities) website.  It appears to be a list of Recognized Testing
Authorities along with the scope of their accreditation. 


Surf at your own risk :-)




Happy holidays,


Chris Maxwell

Design Engineer

Nettest, Utica, NY




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