Given that BSMI, CCC, VCCI and others use essentially the same standards
for measurements, processes, equipment, and that test house are
generally certified in a consistent manner by independent auditors (NIST
authorizes A2LA, and NVLAP here in the US). One might ask themselves;
why some in-country testing or the use of test laboratories that are
required to pay fee's to be allowed to test are required in the first
place? If it isn't the technology or personnel competency, then it must
be something else, politics, trade, revenue or something. That something
else almost certainly assures you that the data will not be accepted
unless you play by their rules and fees, and I don't see it changing
soon. I believe the issue of national accreditation with the hope of
international agreement to accept the data was started around 1992 and
I've just listed 3 major markets that haven't bought into the process
for whatever reason.
So I don't see your customer buying, and if he does BSMI won't buy it
when he submits to them for acceptance. 
In my opinion (and maybe it's a bit jaded) if BSMI is important to you I
think  you stuck until you find a BSMI host.
For what its worth.


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