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Samuel Lifshutz

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Electronic information product contamination control policing method






People's Republic of China information industries department

People's Republic of China national development and reform committee

People's Republic of China department of commercial affairs

People's Republic of China main customs administration                          

People's Republic of China country industry and commerce administration bureau

People's Republic of China country quality surveillance examination quarantine 
People's Republic of China country environmental protection bureau

"Electronic information Product Contamination control Policing method" 
presently gives the announcement, gets up from March 1, 2007 executes.

Information industries department minister: Wang Xudong
National development and reform committee director: Ma Kai
Department of commercial affairs minister: Bo Xilai
Main customs administration bureau chief: Seeks the new student
National industry and commerce administration bureau bureau chief: Wang Zhongfu
Country quality surveillance examination quarantine bureau bureau chief: Li 
Yangtze River
Country environmental protection bureau bureau chief: Zhou Shengxian

                     On February 28, 2006


Electronic information product contamination control policing method

First chapter  general rule

First article  abandons the pollution after the control and the reduction 
electronic information product which creates to the environment, the promotion 
produces and sells the low pollution electronic information product, protects 
the environment and the human body health, according to "People's Republic of 
China Clean Production Promotion Law", "People's Republic of China Solid waste 
Pollution Environment Preventing and controlling Law" and so on the law, the 
administrative rules and regulations, formulates this means.

Second article  produces, sales and in the import electronic information 
product process within the boundaries of the People's Republic of China the 
control and the reduction electronic information product creates to the 
environment pollutes and has other environmental damages, is suitable this 
means. But, exports the product the production to be an exception.

The third article  this means following terminology meaning is:
(1) electronic information product, is refers uses the electronic information 
technology manufacture the electronic radar product, the electronic 
communications product, the broadcast television product, the computer product, 
the home use electronic products, electronic surveying product and its the 
fitting and so on instrument product, electronic special-purpose product, 
electronic primary device product, electronic application product, electronic 
material product.
(2) electronic information product pollution, is refers to in the electronic 
information product to include virulent, the deleterious substance or the 
element, or in the electronic information product includes virulent, the 
deleterious substance either the element surpasses the national standard or the 
profession standard, to the environment, the resources as well as the human 
body life and health as well as the property safely creates the destruction, 
the harm, the waste or other not good affects.
(3) electronic information product contamination control, is refers for reduced 
or in the elimination electronic information product includes the following 
measure which virulent, the deleterious substance or the element adopts:
1st, in the design, the production process, the change research design 
proposal, the adjustment technical process, the replacement use material, 
innovates technical measure and so on manufacture way;
2nd, in the design, the production, the sale as well as the import process, the 
sign note is virulent, the deleterious substance or the element name and its 
the content, measure and so on sign note electronic information product 
environmental protection life;
3rd, in the sales process, strictly stocks with goods the channel, refuses to 
sell does not conform to the electronic information product to be virulent, the 
deleterious substance either the element control country standard or the 
profession standard electronic information product and so on;
4th, the import ban does not conform to the electronic information product to 
be virulent, the deleterious substance either the element control country 
standard or the profession standard electronic information product;
5th, this means stipulation other contamination control measures.
(4) is virulent, the deleterious substance or the element, is refers to the 
following matter or the element which in the electronic information product 
1st, lead;
2nd, mercury;
3rd, cadmium;
4th, six prices chromium;
5th, multi- bromines biphenyl (PBB);
6th, multi- bromines diphenyl oxide (PBDE);
7th, the national stipulation other is virulent, the deleterious substance or 
the element.
Outside (5) electronic information product environmental protection life, is 
refers to in the electronic information product to include virulent, the 
deleterious substance either the element cannot occur releases or the sudden 
change, the electronic information product user uses this electronic 
information product not to be able to cause the serious pollution or to its 
person, the property to the environment creates the serious harm the deadline.

The fourth article  People's Republic of China information industries 
department (hereafter refers to as "information industries department"), the 
People's Republic of China national development and the reform committee 
(hereafter refers to as "development to change 革委"), the People's Republic of 
China department of commercial affairs (hereafter refers to as "department of 
commercial affairs"), the People's Republic of China main customs 
administration (hereafter refers to as "main customs administration"), the 
national industry and commerce administration bureau (hereafter refers to as 
"industry and commerce bureau"), the country quality surveillance examination 
quarantine bureau (hereafter refers to as "quality testing bureau"), the 
country environmental protection bureau (hereafter refers to as "environmental 
protection bureau"), Carries on the management and the surveillance in 
respective responsibility scope to the electronic information product 
contamination control. When necessity the above concerned department 
responsible for the work establishes the work coordination mechanism, the 
solution electronic information product contamination control work significant 
item and the question.

The fifth article  information industries department business State Council 
concerned department responsible for the work formulates is advantageous to the 
electronic information product contamination control measure.
The information industries department promotes electronic information product 
technology and so on contamination control and resources comprehensive 
utilization with the State Council concerned department responsible for the 
work in respective responsibility scope, encourages, the support electronic 
information product contamination control scientific research, the technical 
development and the international cooperation, the realization electronic 
information product contamination control related stipulation.

The sixth article  information industries department to positively develops, 
the development new environmental protection electronic information product 
organization and individual, may give the certain support.

Seventh article  province, autonomous region, municipality information 
industries, development reform, commerce, customs, industry and commerce, 
quality testing, department responsible for the work and so on environmental 
protection in respective responsibility scope, to electronic information 
product production, sales, import contamination control implementation 
surveillance management. When necessity the above department concerned 
establishes the area electronic information product contamination control work 
coordination mechanism, the unification coordination, the labor division with 
individual responsibility.

The eighth article  province, the autonomous region, the municipality 
information industries department responsible for the work to works in the 
electronic information product contamination control as well as is connected in 
the activity to make the remarkable result the organization and individual, may 
give the commendation and the reward.

Second chapter  electronic information product contamination control

Ninth article  electronic information product designer when design electronic 
information product, must conform to the electronic information product 
virulent, the deleterious substance either the element control country standard 
or the profession standard, in satisfies the technological requirement under 
the premise, uses non-toxic, harmless or low poisonous, the low evil, is easy 
to degrade, to be advantageous for the recycling use plan.

Tenth article  electronic information product producer when production or 
manufacture electronic information product, must conform to the electronic 
information product virulent, the deleterious substance either the element 
control country standard or the profession standard, uses the resources use 
factor high, is easy to recycle processing, to be advantageous to the 
environmental protection material, the technology and the craft.

The 11th article  electronic information product environmental protection life 
voluntarily determined by the electronic information product producer or the 
import. The electronic information product producer either the import must in 
its production or the import electronic information product superscript note 
environmental protection life, as a result of the product volume or the 
function limit cannot in the product superscript note, have to indicate in the 
product instruction booklet.
The down payment stipulated the sign note style and the way unify the 
stipulation by the information industries department business State Council 
concerned department responsible for the work, the sign note style and the way 
must conform to the electronic information product to be virulent, the 
deleterious substance either the element control country standard or the 
profession standard.
The related profession organization may act according to the state-of-art, the 
formulation correlation electronic information product environmental protection 
life instruction opinion.

The 12th article  information industries department encouragement correlation 
profession organization will formulate the electronic information product 
environmental protection life instruction opinion will send the information 
industries department.

The 13th article  electronic information product producer, the import must put 
in the market to it in the electronic information product to include virulent, 
the deleterious substance or the element carries on the sign note, marks 
virulent, the deleterious substance or the element name, the content, and its 
whether or not recycles the use in the part and so on; As a result of the 
product volume or the function limit cannot in the product superscript note, 
have to indicate in the product instruction booklet.
The down payment stipulated the sign note style and the way unify the 
stipulation by the information industries department business State Council 
concerned department responsible for the work, the sign note style and the way 
must conform to the electronic information product to be virulent, the 
deleterious substance either the element control country standard or the 
profession standard.

14th article  when electronic information product producer, import manufacture 
and use electronic information product packing material, must rest on the 
electronic information product virulent, the deleterious substance either the 
element control country standard or the profession standard, uses non-toxic, 
harmless, is easy to degrade and to be advantageous for the recycling use 
The electronic information product producer, the import must in its production 
or on the import electronic information product packing material, the sign note 
packing material material name; As a result of the volume and the outside 
surface limit cannot the sign note, have to indicate in the product instruction 
The down payment stipulated the sign note style and the way unify the 
stipulation by the information industries department business State Council 
concerned department responsible for the work, the sign note style and the way 
must conform to the electronic information product to be virulent, the 
deleterious substance either the element control country standard or the 
profession standard.

The 15th article  electronic information product sale must strictly stock with 
goods the channel, does not have to sell does not conform to the electronic 
information product to be virulent, the deleterious substance either the 
element control country standard or the profession standard electronic 
information product.

The 16th article  import electronic information product, must conform to the 
electronic information product to be virulent, the deleterious substance either 
the element control country standard or the profession standard.

The 17th article  information industries department business environmental 
protection bureau formulation electronic information product is virulent, the 
deleterious substance or the element control profession standard.
The information industries department business country standardization 
management committee drafts the electronic information product to be virulent, 
the deleterious substance or the element control country standard.

The 18th article  information industries department business development 
changes 革委, the department of commercial affairs, the main customs 
administration, the industry and commerce bureau, the quality testing bureau, 
the environmental protection bureau establishment, the adjustment electronic 
information product contamination control key management table of contents.
The electronic information product contamination control key management table 
of contents by the electronic information product category, the limit use is 
virulent, the deleterious substance or the element type and its the limit life 
is composed, and carries on according to the actual situation and the science 
and technology level of development request adjusts year by year.

The 19th article  country authentication approval surveillance management 
committee legally to brings into line with the electronic information product 
contamination control key management table of contents the electronic 
information product to implement the compulsory product authentication 
The entering and/or leaving country examination quarantine organization legally 
implements the port confirmation and the arrival of shipment to the import 
electronic information product examines. The customs depend on the entering 
and/or leaving country examination quarantine organization to sign and issue 
"Enter a country Cargo To go through customs List" to handle check out the 

20th article  brings into line with the electronic information product 
contamination control key management table of contents the electronic 
information product, besides must conform to this means related electronic 
information product contamination control stipulation, but also must conform to 
the key contamination control requirement which in the electronic information 
product contamination control key management table of contents stipulated.
Has not included in the electronic information product contamination control 
key management table of contents the electronic information product, must 
conform to this means related electronic information product contamination 
control other stipulations.

The 21st article  information industries department business development 
changes 革委, the department of commercial affairs, the main customs 
administration, the industry and commerce bureau, the quality testing bureau, 
the environmental protection bureau, according to the industrial development 
actual condition, issued is included the electronic information product 
contamination control key management table of contents in the electronic 
information product not to have to include virulent, the deleterious substance 
or the element implementation deadline.

Third chapter  penal regulations

22nd article  violates this means, has one of following situations, by 
department and so on customs, industry and commerce, quality testing, 
environmental protection legally gives in respective responsibility scope to 
(1) electronic information product producer violates this means tenth 
stipulation, uses the material, the technology and the craft do not conform to 
the electronic information product to be virulent, the deleterious substance 
either the element control country standard or the profession standard;
(2) electronic information product producer and the import violates this means 
14th first section stipulation, the manufacture or the use electronic 
information product packing material does not conform to the electronic 
information product to be virulent, the deleterious substance either the 
element control country standard or the profession standard;
(3) electronic information product sale violates this means 15th stipulation, 
sells does not conform to the electronic information product to be virulent, 
the deleterious substance either the element control country standard or the 
profession standard electronic information product;
(4) electronic information product import violates this means 16th stipulation, 
the import electronic information product does not conform to the electronic 
information product to be virulent, the deleterious substance either the 
element control country standard or the profession standard;
(5) electronic information product producer, the sale as well as the import 
violates this means 21st stipulation, from includes the electronic information 
product contamination control key management table of contents the electronic 
information product not to have to include virulent, deleterious substance or 
the element date of implementation deadline, the production, the sale or the 
import virulent, the deleterious substance or the element contain the size to 
surpass the electronic information product to be virulent, the deleterious 
substance either the element control country standard or the profession 
standard electronic information product;
(6) electronic information product import violates this means import management 
stipulation import electronic information product.

23rd article  violates this means the stipulation, has one of following 
situations, by department and so on industry and commerce, quality testing, 
environmental protection legally gives in respective responsibility scope to 
(1) electronic information product producer or the import violates this means 
11th stipulation, had not indicated clearly way sign note electronic 
information product environmental protection life;
(2) electronic information product producer or the import violates this means 
13th stipulation, had not indicated clearly the way sign note electronic 
information product is virulent, the deleterious substance or the element name, 
the content, and its whether or not recycles the use in the part;
(3) electronic information product producer or the import violates this means 
14th second section stipulation, had not indicated clearly way sign note 
electronic information product packing material material ingredient.

The24th article  government service personnel abuse of power, engages in 
malpractice for personal gains, tolerates, the harbour to violate this means 
stipulation the behavior, or the help violates the litigant which this means 
stipulated to evade the investigation, legally imposes the administrative 

Fourth chapter  supplementary articles

25th article  any organization and individual may to the information industries 
department or the province, the autonomous region, the municipality information 
industries department responsible for the work to the designer, the producer, 
the import which causes the electronic information product pollution as well as 
the sale carries on reports to the authorities.

26th article  this means change 革委, the department of commercial affairs, the 
main customs administration, the industry and commerce bureau, the quality 
testing bureau, the environmental protection bureau explanation by the 
information industries department business development.

27th article  this means get up from March 1, 2007 execute.

Correlation link:

 "Electronic information Product Contamination control Policing method" ten 
asked ten answers

 "Electronic information Product Contamination control Policing method" appears 
the goal, the significance which the time and appears




From: [] On Behalf Of Grace Lin
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 10:05 AM
To: Brewster, Alan
Subject: Re: China's RoHS Measures


Hi Alan:


As far as I know, there is no English language site available at this time, 
since the news was posted today.


I may translate it.  I'll let you know.


Have a nice weekend!


Best regards,



On 3/3/06, Brewster, Alan <> wrote: 


Thank you for spotting this for the group. Is there an English language site as 



Alan Brewster, MIEE 
Senior Product Safety Engineer, 
Novellus Systems, Inc 
Ph: 503-885-6553 
Pg: 888-917-5809 

From: Grace Lin [mailto: ]

Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 8:42 AM
To:  <> 
Subject: China's RoHS Measures

Hi Group,


The China's RoHS measures have been promulgated February 28, 2006.  You can 
find this law at  <>  The effective date is 
March 1, 2007.


Please feel free to ask any questions.


Best regards,

Grace Lin

Grace Compliance Specialist <> 

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