What is your opinion: Do the microprocessor system destined for education
(8051 microcontroller programming) falls under WEEE and ROHS ?
The system is made that way, that you see its education destination at once,
and it is really unusable for other purposes.
In WEEE annex IB all positions under group 3 I understand as popular mass
production equipment.
The positions started from 'and other ...' are defined by product destination
and my understanding is that it can't be understand as education.
In some product classifications education equipment is under toys, but here I
don't see it. In other groups also.
>From one point of view I suppose, that WEEE tries to cover as much as possible
of electronics, but on the other hand equipment used at schools is used long
time and seldom thrown away.
I am specially interested in avoiding ROHS because currently I don't believe
in durability of PbFree technology. It would be stupid if our products from
1996 be still used in 2016, but the same products made in 2006 all unusable
since 5 years.
The other question is:
I would like my products to be used 20 years and more. If I had to do them
PbFree, are there any (better more than any) chance that, used in room
temperature, they will be working so long ?
Thanks in advance.
Piotr Galka
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