An associate asked me if I would post the following question:
Question - If an unaccredited lab takes test data and submits the data to an
17025 accredited lab, who then reviews and approves it, is it considered
accredited data and / or would it be acceptable for demonstrating compliance
to the R&TTE Directive?  
My thoughts - The data would not be considered accredited even if the tests
are on the accredited labs scope of accreditation and the accredited lab had
evaluated the non-accredited lab as an approved subcontractor under section
4.5 of ISO 17025 and concluded that the subcontractor complied with the
requirements of 17025. 
If they had approved the lab under section 4.5, any work performed by the
subcontractor would have to be agreed on during the accredited labs contract
review with the customer and clearly marked in the test report as
non-accredited work performed by the subcontractor. 
There are no provisions for non-accredited data to be submitted to and
approved by an accredited lab and the data be considered accredited...
Having said that, I don't think that accredited data is required to
demonstrate conformance to the Essential Requirements to the R&TTE Directive
unless specifically required by a Manufacturer who wants to employ a test lab
and requires it. 
Non-accredited data could be used to demonstrate compliance to the standards,
although it would be at the manufacturers discretion. 
Do some Notified Bodies require accredited data? Is it required in some cases
that I do not know about? 
Is my understanding of non-accredited subcontractors correct?
Any feedback is welcome!
Best regards, 
Mac Elliott
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