Having been away on holiday last week, I tried to download 
information from the links below when I returned to work this 
morning, only to discover that the DTI site has undergone a major 
overhaul in the last few days, and the links in Brian's message no 
longer work.

Instead, the EMC page is at:


and the consultation document is linked from:




At 1:19 pm +0100 3/5/06, Brian Jones wrote:
>For those interested in the implementation of the new EMC Directive in the
>UK, the draft Regulations are now available as part of a consultation by the
>DTI.  The consultation closes on 3 August 2006.
>The consultation, entitled "Implementing the new Electromagnetic
>Compatibility (EMC) Directive 2004/108/EC in the United Kingdom - A
>Consultation Document (May 2006, URN 06/1141). Response date - 3 August
>2006" is available for download at
>A Word copy of the response form is available in the EMC section of the DTI
>website at  http://www.dti.gov.uk/strd/strdpubs.html#emc  This page also
>contains a link to the consultation document.
>For those attending the EMC Symposium in Portland, I will be presenting a
>paper on Transposing the European EMC Directive into national legislation.
>Best wishes
>Brian Jones
>EMC Consultant and Competent Body signatory
>Advice, Training, Expert Witness


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