Hi Eric,
You may wish to contact Jiro Kawano (kaw...@vcci.or.jp), the VCCI technical
manager, for clarification.
If you haven't received a clarification by the time the 2006 IEEE Symposium on
EMC held in the coming August, you may have a chance to talk to the person who
reviews VCCI site registration applications during the Symposium.  He attended
the IEEE Symposium for the last several years. 
Good Luck!
Best regards,
Grace Lin

On 6/17/06, Eric Lifsey <regula...@relia.net> wrote: 

Dear Peers,

Summary: Has anyone an authoritative and current word on the state of

In early March 2006 a VCCI person informed me that a MOU with NVLAP was
to be in place by the end of that month.  Indeed, the subsequent annual
April update of the VCCI regulations showed NVLAP added to the
accreditation bodies - with some vague phrase about when "notification"

Last month I arranged for VCCI technical requirements to be added to
our NVLAP accreditation scope in preparation for some upcoming and 
overdue site registrations.  All seemed to be going smoothly...

Then this week, in an email exchange with VCCI I was informed that the
MOU did not happen yet and may not for "a few months".

Resolving this is important with regard to VCCI site registration fees:
the old scheme costs money, the accreditation site registration scheme
has no fees (and presumably, much faster).

I have at least 5 sites to register for my employer real soon now, 
including our recently acquired 10 meter semi-anechoic facility.  So
the registration method will involve thousands of dollars and many
hours of work if I the accreditation route is not available soon.

Best Regards, 
Eric Lifsey


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