In message 
dated Tue, 13 Jun 2006, writes
>I need to order the current issue of EN 60204-1 ("Safety of machinery –
> Electrical equipment of machines").   When I went to the EUR-Lex 
>website at
>it lists EN 60204-1:1997 as the current edition, with no amendments. 
> So far, so good.
>But when I look at websites that sell standards, I see listings for 
>1997, 1998, and 2006.
>- Should I simply buy the 1997 edition, or are there 
>changes/corrections that forced the 1998 version to be published?

The '1998' version is the national implementation of the formal 
'publication' by CENELEC of the EN dated 1997, which was probably 
published in November or December 1997, so the national standards carry 
the 1998 date.

>- Is the 2006 version on the verge of announcement in the OJ?  If so, 
>it sounds like that should be used to evaluate my product.

 From the public part of the CENELEC web site, you can get:

Standard reference EN 60204-1:200X
Reference document IEC 60204-1:2005 (Modified)
Technical body CLC/TC 44X
IEC technical body IEC/TC 44

Dor 2006-06-01
Dav -
Doa 2006-12-01
Dop 2007-06-01
Dow 2009-06-01

The doa (date of adoption)  is not till December, so it would be a bit 
premature to use it as soon as it's published.
OOO - Own Opinions Only. Try and
2006 is YMMVI- Your mileage may vary immensely.

John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK


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