To All Members,

I guess I created a minor fire storm so let me try to clarify the issue. 
You are receiving this email from the EMC-PSTC Email List server 
(hereafter called List). This email list is separate and stand-alone. 
While it is hosted by the IEEE servers, it is not the same thing as the 
IEEE On-line Community called IEEE EMC-PSTC Forum (hereafter called 
Forum). The IEEE has a large number of virtual communities it hosts, for 
many and sundry different purposes. These are all web site based 
operations. You log in to the community you are a member of and browse, 
post questions, read files, chat, search archives, whatever. In order to 
get a login to these communities, you need to get an IEEE login. You 
need not be a member of IEEE, you can get a guest login. That same login 
is what you use to log in to the Forum.

The List, on the other hand, is not web site based. It is nothing more 
than some software that receives email messages, looks at its list of 
subscribers, then forwards copies of all email received back out to the 
subscribers of the list. The software is smart enough to not accept (it 
rejects) any email that it receives that did not come from one of its 
subscribers. It does this based on email addresses. There is no login, 
no user name, no password. If the email address of the sender does not 
match one of the email addresses in its subscriber list, the email is 
rejected. You can subscribe to this email list by using the web-based 
interface provided in the Forum. You can just as easily subscribe to 
this email list by sending an email with the right text commands to the 
right email address.

What started this all is the Housekeeping email I sent out. I broadcast 
it to all members of the Forum. Then I also, just to be extra safe and 
nice for those that do not regularly login to the forum, copied that 
email and sent it to the List. Silly me. This is not an exercise to drum 
up new members for the Forum. Nor is it an exercise in arbitrarily 
deleting non-visiting members of the Forum. It also is not an effort to 
remove subscribers from the List. It was meant to be a simple clean-up, 
to eliminate duplication, errors, old addresses you long forgot you 
used, or from a previous job, etc. Based on the number of responses 
received already today, more than a few of you have had problems logging 
in to the Forum, have had issues using the Forum, have had user name and 
password rejections. And, I suppose a number have simply given up trying 
to make use of the Forum.

Our effort here is to correct these kinds of problems so to make the 
Forum more responsive and more likely to be used more frequently than 
once every four years. Please rest assured that every email we receive 
regarding issues with the Forum or the List will be reviewed and 
resolved as best as we can. For the immediate term, please have a little 
patience as we work through your questions and comments.

Best regards,

Scott Douglas
EMC-PSTC System Admin


This message is from the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society
emc-pstc discussion list.    Website:

To post a message to the list, send your e-mail to


List rules:

For help, send mail to the list administrators:

     Scott Douglas 
     Mike Cantwell 

For policy questions, send mail to:

     Jim Bacher:   
     David Heald:  

All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:

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