Charlie et al,

        The issue of testing against a proposed or new standard is always a
good question.  

        There was a paper given at the 2007 PSES 'Application Guide for
Hazard Based Safety Engineering' [by Volker Gasse of IBM Germany] which
included the analysis and application of the 62368 requirements to a

        I believe that there are a number of companies who have done
internal product reviews against the requirements since TC108 receives
proposals for modifications to the requirements that seem to be based upon
such.  These product reviews are, of course, not made public. 

        UL seems to have enough experience with the standard to offer a
seminar on compliance; this would suggest that some product evaluation has
been done.  I have not taken the training and am not familiar with the
details that they offer.  

        There is a 'cooperative' effort between TC108 and CTL to develop a
Test Report form; this would, of course, require some experience and
understanding of the requirements to do this.   

        Altho there are high hopes for this Hazard Based approach, the
standard is still somewhat controversial.  Some expected some amalgam of
60065 and 60950; this new standard is not that.  It offers a more
comprehensive approach to determining hazards in the products and providing
protection based upon first principles.  

        Perhaps you are in a position to subject a product to evaluation
using 62368 and then providing some public feedback.  

        By the way, I always enjoy John Woodgate's cynical remarks; thanx

:>)     br,     Pete

        Peter E Perkins, PE
        Principal Product Safety & Regulatory Consultant
        Tigard, ORe  97281-3427

        503/452-1201    fone/fax

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