On 5/30/2008, John Woodgate wrote:

        I don't know, but it would not be surprising, and the Canadian events 
so. Some medical equipment uses high powers, even high-power RF (for
electrocautery), and other equipment is extremely sensitive, so immunity is a
big issue.

Hi John:

Thanks.  So now I know that immunity has been incorporated into IEC 60601 for
many years, and is not something new.

It is possible that some aspects of the immunity requirements became more
difficult in the Third Edition of IEC 60601, and that is what has caused the
concern about getting approved in Canada.

I may post another question with IEC 60601, Third Edition in the subject line
to see if anyone picks up on it.

Joe Randolph
Telecom Design Consultant
Randolph Telecom, Inc.
781-721-2848 (USA)
http://www.randolph-telecom.com <http://www.randolph-telecom.com/> 

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