Since they've only been at harmonization a short while,  it will probably be
some time before we see much commonality in  a code area with well established

>From NFPA:

European Committee for Standardization <> 

CEN Technical Committee 250: Structural Eurocodes
<> was established in
1990 to develop the Eurocodes, common structural rules for the design of
buildings and civil engineering structures. They are issued first as 62
European Prestandards numbered ENV and then as European Standards numbered EN.
Other CEN technical committees on construction
<> may be of

Bob Johnson
ITE Safety <> 

John Woodgate wrote: 

        In message 
<> ,
dated Fri, 30 May 2008, Jim Eichner <>
<>  writes: 

                So how do I buy what I need?  I guess I have to go to some 
webstore that
sells the IEC or EN version of the 60364 series, read the scope of each of the
many subsections, decide which ones I need, and buy them one at a time at a
cost of $100+ each? 

        There IS no EN version. Each EU state has its own version, such as BS 
because there are so many national infrastructure differences. 
        If you go to this URL: 
        you will see a list of all the sections of IEC 60364. Click on any one
reference, e.g. 'IEC 60364-1', and that will take you to a web page about that
section. Click on 'Preview' and that will give you a PDF of the Scope and
other early clauses of the standard. IEC 60364 uses a non-standard clause
numbering system, so that the Scope has 11 clauses, instead of just one. 
        This works for ANY IEC (or CISPR) standard, and is freely accessible to

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