Hi John et al,


Well the switch-on/switch off effects are wideband, but are time domain
limited (transients), and do not have a great impact on network transmission

My point is that the lack of available license free frequencies have lead to
excessive use of this small band (2400-2485 MHz) not taking into account the
interference properties of the original application for microwaves.

(That is why ITU reserved this slot in the first place as ISM).


The small bandwidth has also lead to the problem of useable channel
allocations for wireless lan  ( 1,6,11 of ther available 1-14) and the limited
number of on-the-air networks in one areas to be only 3.


At my daughters study place, a room in a popular neighbourhood in Utrecht a
network scan learns me that there are 17 wireless LANS in the (close)

(most allocated to channel 11)

I would not be surprised to find 17 microwave ovens also.

No wonder that she has frequent internet connection problems.






Ing. Gert Gremmen



ce-test, qualified testing bv


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