In message <>, dated Sat, 24 
Jan 2009, Scott Xe <> writes:

>I am unsure if the mains supply companies follow a July 2005 DTI note 
>"Electrical Supply Tolerances and Electrical Appliance Safety" points 
>out that "Though the electrical supply is quoted as being over a range, 
>it is preferable for power distribution companies to keep supply 
>voltages as high as possible to minimise current in the supply network 
>and hence delaying the need to make improvements in the supply 
>infrastructure to increase current handling capability."

This advice seems to me a bit surprising. I suspect that a lot of the 
load is linear, so that a higher voltage gives a HIGHER current, not a 
lower current. I will ask some people about that.

>Thru recent return record and investigation, the domestic mains voltage 
>is at a higher side, > or = 250 Vac and the failure return rides up 
>significantly.  The manufacturers design their product at EU rated 230 
>Vac and assume the product operates at the highest voltage of 254 Vac 
>occasionally.  Now, the product is operating at the higher voltages all 
>the time.  It results in shortening its life or causing early failure.

Now that you know it's happening, you can, and of course should, design 
with that in mind.
OOO - Own Opinions Only. Try and
Things can always get better. But that's not the only option.
John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK


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